A classic Agatha Christie short story, available individually for the first time as an ebook.Broken down in the middle of nowhere Mortimer Cleveland, a psychic researcher, seeks shelter in an isolated home. From the moment he steps foot into the house he is struck by a sense of tension. Finding ‘SOS’ scratched into the dust of a table he wonders who wrote it and is compelled to answer the call for
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A classic Agatha Christie short story, available individually for the first time as an ebook.Bunch, engrossed in her flower arrangements for the church is rather dully placing the chrysanthemums when she sees a man crumpled over on the chancel steps, dying. The man can only utter one word, ‘Sanctuary’. Nothing can be done, and his final words ‘please, please’ can’t help anyone at the vicarage to u
Впервые на русском – новейший роман Дианы Сеттерфилд, прославленного автора «Тринадцатой сказки», признанного шедевра современной английской прозы, который заставил критиков заговорить о возвращении золотого века британского романа, овеянного именами Шарлотты и Эмили Бронте и Дафны Дюморье, и разошелся по всему миру на 40 языках тиражом свыше 3 миллионов экземпляров.
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